miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008

The New English Project

Honestly, I have to say a lot of things about these two years of the "New English Project". It's true that I have to APPLAUD some thing, but I also have to COMPLAIN about other things. Im my opinion (I'll be sincere) this new project is good in theory, but not enough in practice.

Some things that we've done are unnecessary, and some of my calsmates think like me. For example, writing a blog. What's the use of the blog??? Some friends said me that it's only for practise typing.... and I'm just think the same, they are right. I'm doing compositions, uploading some viedos and another things... but nobody corrects my mistakes (here there will be a lot!!) About the porfolio, more of the same. What's the use fo copying compositions, descriptions that I've done before? I undestand the theachers' point of view (everybody could see you compositions, it's more fun and interactive...) but I think (and this is the main theme) that they are wrong, because this means that we have extra work, copying everything to our blogs and porfolios.

But as I said before, there are also things that I agree with. For example, oral presentations. With these orals, I've improved in my oral English speach and in my embarrasment when I've had to speak in front of people. Moreover, speaking with a native teacher like Anika, it's fantastic because you can improve you accent and improve in you convesations.

In conclusion, I think that more grammar is needed urgently, because people will say that(look the picture), and we have too much time (wednesday classes) to do things like computers, blogs and porfolios. However I'm happy about the orals and I hope thay next year this new project will improve too.

martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

Formal letter

c/Pau Guanter
Castelló d'Empúries
28th April 2008
Spanish Minister of the Environment
c/ De la Paz
Madrid 17499

Dear Sr,

since centuries, Spain has been a country with a lot of water, which is held by the importance of the agriculture.

However, these last ten years, water had became a problem for our society. A lot of people aren't conscious about the importance of not to waste water. Year after year, Spain has less water. As water is being wasted, Spanish population is increasing, so in some years maybe Spain will not have enougth water. In my organization, we have studied minociusly which is the best solution to solve this problem.

Some of our concluions are very interesting. For example, the price of water in Spain is less than in other countries, so if you increase water's taxes, the consume will be reduced. Another mesure to not to waste is build new infraestructures to control water.

Yours faithfully,


Living like a Tuareg

Hi everybody! Today in our radio programe we are going to interview a leader of a Tuareg tribe, located in the middle of Suth Africa. Can you imagine living like a Tuareg?

Jouranlist: Hello leader, how do you do?
Leader: hello, how do you do?
J: well, as you know, we come from Europe, where life is so diferent. Can you imagine living like us?
L: well, this is a dificult question... I really like you technology and your modern society, but also I love where I am now and my people and my town.
J: so, if you had to choose, what would you decision be?
L: I think that I would choose to stay here, because I am really different of European pople, and there are some things that I don't like so much...
J: Some things like what?
L: Well, you know, for example you have to do a lot of things with only a little time. Here, life is more quieter
J: So the main question is: how do you live here?
L: life here is so easy, we are useed to live in this estreme weather, and we love it. We live in our houses made with wood, without thinking in mortgeges and things like this!
J: looks interesting, don't have to pay mortgages!
J: well, thanks for you time and your attention.
L: It has been a pleasure talking with you.


Hi everybody. I know that the writter's adress should be in the other side, but I cannot change it and I don't know why. Sorry

37 Glen Road
New York
18th April

Dear Paul,

How are you? Everything's going like the last time we met?
Here some things will change in a few days. Well, I'm going to move to London next week, so everything will be different.

As I know that you moved to New York two years ago, so maybe you remebered you expiriences. I'm so nervous, because everything will be new: people, places, etc... I thought that we can meet some day because I need some advice. Now I feel like a man who will leave all he knows, to go to an unknown country.

Take care,


The acrostic

Lragon was killed by St. George, and a
Rose was born from the blood of the dragon
And finally, St. George saved the princess
Gently, St. George, gaved the rose to the princess
Nver the forest he asked her to marry her and a
Nice wedding they had.

Balls are serarched by Son Goku and his friends
All the balls are dispersed around the world
Legendary dragon apperared when the seven balls are together
Later, the dragon concedes you three wishes

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2008

news from CNN

The new I listened is called “Where are the Air Marshals?” and it’s about the absence of this type of police. His job consists on Project people who travel by plane and prevent terrorist attacks. They complain because there aren’t enough to guarantee people’s security. The interviewer insists to the policemen how are being interviewed which is the percentage of flies which are really covered by them. The policemen answer that it’s impossible to say, but only a few of them.

Three expressions:

Every single fly: cada vol concret
It’s such a small percentage: es només un petit percentage
I don’t think you’d be far from the mark: no crec que estaries lluny de la xifra.

The new I listened is called “Angry at the airlines” and it’s about the retards on the airports. A lot of people are complaining because they arrive on time, but the plane is late. Some airlines arrive on time, but most of them don’t arrive on time. Curiously, the most punctual airline is a low cost airline. Some experts considered that airlines don’t do anything to improve their services

Three expressions:

On time: a temps
Worst: pitjor
Baggage: equipatge

domingo, 11 de mayo de 2008

Beach or mountain??

Beach, mountain... Which is your favourite place to spend a great holiday?? In Catalonia, where I live, we have both.

Our beaches are considerd the best of the Mediterranean sea. Every year, lots of tourists came to our beaches and spent a great time there. The water is not cold, and the weather i great. Moreover, there are many towns near the sea, so you can go to one of that town and visit museums, etc...

however, if you prefer mountains, we also have great mountains, the Pirineus. There are some of the best known skiing stations, and very beautiful views of Catalonia and Frace.

Finally, If you are very stict, and you want both things, don't worry, because in some places of Catalonia you can found a mountain near a beach!!!!

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2008

News of Catalonia Today

Generalitat snuts plan for Catalan school in Madrid

Aguirre, the President of the Comuidad de Madrid, anounced that she'll open a Catalan school. The Catalan goverment, Generalitat de Catalunya, has roundly rejected this plan because they think that Aguirre treates the Catalan comunity like an Indiar reserve. However,some people think that open a Catalan school is a good idea.

Begur celebrates a seafood festival

In Begur, some restaurants celebrate the comming of spring making the traditional gastronomic celebration of seafood with "peix de roca". This food is very common in Empordà. A lot of restaurants participated in this event.